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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Year 6 - Folly Farm - 10.07.24

Dear Parent/Carer,

Class 15 - Dobsarth Tenby (Miss Wilkinson) and Class 16 - Dosbarth Rhossili (Miss Rowland) along with Year 6 members of Class 13/14 - Dosbarth Anglesey and Dosbarth Cwmbran (Mrs Harrison/Mrs Robins) will be visiting Folly Farm, Pembrokeshire on Wednesday 10th July 2024.  

The cost of this trip is £19.50 per child and is payable via CivicaPay.  Please log into your child's account and make the payment by clicking on the trip. Please click here to access CivicaPay -

Due to travel time, please could pupils be in school for 8am on the morning of the trip.  We are due to return to school for 5pm (if this changes due to traffic, staff will keep you updated via Dojo).

Pupils will need to bring a packed lunch (please indicate below if you would like the school to provide a free school meal packed lunch) with no glass bottles.  Pupils should wear school uniform with sensible footwear and a sun hat/sun cream or waterproof coat (whichever is suitable for the weather on the day).

Pupils can bring spending money of no more than £10 (we recommend between £5-£10).

If your child requires medication (e.g. asthma pump, epi-pen etc.) please ensure they have it with them on the day, without it they will be unable to participate in the trip.  

Please complete the form below to give your permission and make the payment for the trip as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday 3rd July.

Many thanks,
Year 6 Staff
