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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve





Mr Waters was the best headteacher, we will miss him very much.



  Mr Waters was a special person who made us laugh.

Year 1

Class 3:


Mr waters was funny and cares about us-Lily

I will miss his stories-Vladi

He walked funny in his stories-Amelia-Grace

He has funny jokes-Erica

He loved all of us-Charlie 

He was trying to look after us and he can still see us-Alysia 

I feel sad because he’s in heaven and I love his songs-Freya

I'm sad because I didn’t go to his pizza parties-Dylan 

He would try to keep us safe at all times and he was just the person we needed-Cooper

He was good at stories-Frankie

He loved us all- Lilith 

He gave certificates-Isabelle

He was nice and I liked his stories-Iestyn

He’s kind-Lilah



Class 4:


Hilarious when he told jokes.

Excitable when he gave Dylan Lewis six hand-writing pens.

Amazing when he gave out red certificates.

Decisive when he did good things for the school.


Trickster when he pretended he wanted to keep certificates.

Expressive when he was talking.

Astonishing when he rode a tiny bike.

Creative when he made up stories

Heart-warming when he told us to stay safe.

Excellent at being the best head teacher ever in the world.

Remarkable when he cleaned the tables at lunchtime.


Year 2


He was smart and kind.  Ella M

He always made me happy. Jay

I loved his stories in our assemblies. Evie

I liked it when he tricked all of us with the certificates. Rory

I remember when he put someone's certificate in their mouth to be funny. Ava

I loved his magic hands when he was doing the birthdays to guess how old they were.  Emma H


Year 3


The best headteacher, forever in our hearts.

We miss him so much, we were not ready to part. 

We loved his stories and we loved his smile,

We were sad we hadn’t seen him in a while. 

                                                          We loved his pizza parties and we loved his funny jokes,
                                                            We loved him dressing up as an elf, he was such a great bloke.

                                                            We loved his birthday magic, we loved his precious tesla,

                                                                we even loved it when he dressed up as Cruella.

                                      You always gave certificates, we had to show the wall, you were really proud of us all. 

                                                                We miss you Mr Waters. We love you so much.

                                                   You’re always in our hearts and prayers. You had the special touch.

                                                                                     Class 7 

Our Headteacher 

Funny as a clown, 

Lovely like a bunny, 

Amazing as a sunset, 

Smart as a owl, 

His heart was a bright as the sun, 


Brave as a bear and Busy as a bee

As fun as a puppy,

Cool as a cucumber,

Kind as a Doctor, 

Stands out like a daisy,


We love him like family.

Class 8

Year 4


We miss when he did birthdays and tried to guess everybody's age.

We miss his pizza parties.

We miss him making us laugh.

We loved his Monday stories.

We loved it when he did bowling club!

He was such a kind man and taught my Aunty Jos- Willow

We loved it when he gave us our handwriting pens.

We loved it when he asked the teachers how many head teachers awards there were.

We loved him in his elf costume.

We love how he cared about everyone in the school.

Class 9 



Hilarious when he told jokes.

Excitable when he gave Dylan Lewis six hand-writing pens.

Amazing when he gave out red certificates.

Decisive when he did good things for the school.


Trickster when he pretended he wanted to keep certificates.

Expressive when he was talking.

Astonishing when he rode a tiny bike.

Creative when he made up stories

Heart-warming when he told us to stay safe.

Excellent at being the best head teacher ever in the world.

Remarkable when he cleaned the tables at lunchtime.

class 10




Mr Waters was












Always happy


Year 5


Magnificent head teacher!

Really loved us and his school


Would always give us high fives!

An understanding, caring person who always listened to us and made time for us.

Told the most amazing stories in assembly!

Every day he would smile and make us feel happy and welcome

Respected us and our ideas!

Star of our school who will never be forgotten!

Year 6

We’ll miss his morning high fives

We’ll miss his ‘always believe in yourself’ talks

We’ll miss his celebration assemblies

We’ll miss him calling us ‘bach’

We’ll miss his smile

We’ll miss his ‘cheese touch’ game

We’ll miss his stories

We’ll miss him teasing us with the headteachers certificate

We’ll miss him at Christmas dinners

We’ll miss his hand shakes

We’ll miss him dressed as an elf and ringing the bell

We’ll miss his funny ways of brightening up our days

We’ll miss his smiling face in the office making a cup of tea

We’ll miss his greetings on the yard in the mornings

We’ll miss him pulling christmas crackers 

class 15


Always kind

Always helpful, caring 

Always determined to make sure everyone was ok and good at what they did 

Always made us happy around him

Always teases us with the head teacher award

Always involved

Always made sure we were safe

Always used to stand with us in the mornings

Always used to say believe in your dreams

Always gave people nicknames

Always funny

Always knew people’s ages

Always played Cheese touch

Always acted like a dinner lady 

Always called us ‘bach’

Always went in the stocks

Always made sure we were never alone!

Class 16 

