Dosbarth Saundersfoot
Dosbarth Saundersfoot is one of our Year 3 classes. Miss Angel-Farmer is the teacher.
Year 3 is a fantastic year and in this letter, we wish to update you with relevant information and an outline of this term's learning so you can be prepared! Our theme and new topic is Cynefin which means belonging! In year 3 our mini topic is The Romans.
In year 3 our studies will cover:
Language Literacy and Communication - We will be focusing on many skills this term. We will begin with Biographies of famous Roman figures and will then move onto autobiographies. We will also cover letter writing, instruction writing and reports.
Alongside these genres we will be focusing on punctuation and grammar as well.
In welsh we will be continuing to develop our oracy skills alongside developing our welsh writing.
Mathematics and Numeracy – We will continue to work on place value and number. Data handling will be a focus for our math’s work before we enter the world of fractions, decimals and percentages. We will always supplement this work with numbers and opportunities for problem solving too. Multiplication is crucial for the children to be able to be confident in problem solving work, so please rehearse as much as possible. After that the focus will be on data, shape and measure. The children will be recording and creating different types of graphs, charts and statistics.
Science and Technology - In Science this topic will blend well with our Roman topic. We will be investigating forces. We will also carry out investigations about friction and deepen our understanding of how and why? In Design and Technology we will be exploring coding using J2Code and designing and making a sword/shield.
Humanities – In humanities we will be learning Roman soldiers and their daily lives, roman creations, roman numerals, roads and towns, roman food, roman legacy
In RE we will be focussing on special dress in religions this term focusing on Sikhism. We will also be learning about religion during the Roman times.
Expressive Arts – For our music, drama and dance we will be learning and performing a scene focusing on a road under construction. In art we are going to use clay and make our own mosaic tile. We will be learning a variety of songs for our mini show and will be taking part in weekly music lessons where we have been given the opportunity to learn new instruments.
Health and Well Being – As part of the new curriculum we are looking to develop mindfulness in our children, we will be exploring positive relationships and what it means to belong. They will receive lessons on how to develop and maintain positive relationships. Included in this we will be carrying out some meditation and yoga by beginning to engage with our 5 senses and how to control our emotions and feelings. Also we will be looking at ensuring the children have access to food technology lessons to keep their bodies as healthy as their minds. Lastly, we will be exploring the differences in Roman Health and wellbeing and how this differs from our world today.
- Reading books- must be changed regularly for maximum improvement. They also receive Dojo points per week for this too.
- PE/Games – Every Tuesday, PE kits can be worn to school on this day.
- Spelling and Homework – spelling will be sent out along with various pieces of homework on Fridays. Students then have a week to complete homework.
We thank you for your continued support.
Miss Angel-Farmer, Mr Rowlands, Miss Papp and Miss Rogers.
Below is a link to the HWB website where you can access J2easy, J2Blast and Google classroom. Diolch :)