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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve





We loved coming to school on our first day. We had school photographs. And we created self portraits! We already love school!



We had School photographs. We had harvest celebrations. We were happy getting to know each other.

Year 1


We had school photographs taken. We have had Harvest celebration. We recapped the four purposes. We had world animal day!

Year 2


Someone came in to do our School photographs, we drew self portraits, played new Welsh games, and we had a Harvest celebration.

Year 3


We made self portraits, someone came in to take our school photos, we started adventurous activities in well being lessons.No trips until October.

Year 4


We had school photos. We had a PE lesson with a rugby coach & a cricket Teacher.




We had school photographs. We had Harvest Celebrations. We had Dragon Rugby. We also reviewed our four purposes. We are loving and enjoying our newly refurbished classrooms. 

Year 5


We had school photographs. We had a visit from caring canines. We also celebrated kindness week. We had new Welsh games in class, we loved playing hot and cold.

Year 6


We had a visit from Caring Canines, someone came in to take our School photographs. We had to sign up to Heddlu bach interviews, our School Council was chosen and our clubs survey has been completed. 
