How Do I Become A Governor?
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor and would like additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Allan Tait - Chair of the Governors at Pontnewydd Primary School via the School Office.
In order to further support the governing body, governors have access to training courses throughout the year. The Education Achievement Service (EAS) provides a full programme training courses for all governors via a central training programme, individual governing body training, seminars and resources.
The 'Education Achievement Service' (EAS) provides the necessary support to enable each governor to fulfil their individual role and responsibilities within the school. The Governing Body has a 'EAS Clerk' to help them achieve this.
To find out more about if you may be able to become a governor and the training opportunities available, please copy and paste the following link into the address bar to visit the Governor's page on the EAS website.