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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


School Dinners

Pupils can choose from a meat/fish and a vegetarian hot dinner or there is the option of a jacket potato, served with salad/cheese/beans and there are three pasta bar options; plain pasta, pasta with tomato sauce or pasta of the day (on the menu below) which are served with either a wrap or garlic bread.

Special Diet Requests


In Torfaen all requests for special diets in primary schools are processed by the Schools Catering Dietitian rather than the school or the cook on site. Full information is on the Torfaen Council Website.


For medically prescribed special diets (allergies, gluten free, carb counting etc), parents should complete the form available on the website, along with GP signature, recent hospital letter, or parents can opt in to give our dietitian express permission to speak with the pupil’s health professional directly to confirm.


For menus for ethical/religious reasons such as vegetarian or pork free, a one line email from the parents to will suffice.

From September 2023 the Welsh Government are rolling out Free School Meals to ALL primary school pupils.   

This is not means tested but does need to be applied for.


The form below is only to be completed for pupils who will be new to the school/area from September 2024.

Fill out the form here:

You can still apply for 'Free School Meals' which includes grants for uniforms. The school also gets extra money to support your child.  This is means tested but is worth doing if you think you qualify.  Full information, including the criteria for qualification and the form to apply is on Torfaen's website via the link below.
