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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Online Learning

Below you can find information on Blended and Distance Learning that would take place if the school is closed due to government guidelines.


If you need any further support please get in contact with the school. For questions relating to children's learning, please contact the child's class teacher via Dojo or chat during your wellbeing phone call.  For questions relating to technology and accessing work please contact the office.

Home Learning Information

Hwb and Google Classroom Login

Still image for this video

How To Respond To Marking

Still image for this video

How to login to Giglets as a pupil

This is "How to login to Giglets as a pupil" by Giglets Education.

How to read a book with Giglets

This is "How to read a book with Giglets" by Giglets Education on Vimeo.

How to work through Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions on Giglets.

This is "How to work through Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions on Giglets" by Giglets Education.
