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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Pupil Deprivation Grant

Pontnewydd Primary Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) and Early Years Pupil Deprivation Grant (EYPDG) 2024-25


Financial Allocation of the Grant

For the academic year April 2024 - March 2025, Pontnewydd Primary School has been allocated a total of £116,150.00 through the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) and Early Years Pupil Deprivation Grant (EYPDG).


Purpose of the PDG

The PDG and EYPDG are aimed at reducing the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage on educational attainment. These grants help address barriers faced by learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they have the same opportunities to succeed as their peers, regardless of their ability.


The funds are often directed towards whole-school initiatives that specifically support learners who are eligible for free school meals (e-FSM) and children who are looked after (CLA). This can include professional development activities such as INSET days, where staff are trained to implement evidence-based strategies proven to close the attainment gap. Key strategies include providing effective feedback, enhancing parent/carer engagement, and fostering metacognitive skills, or learning about how learning works.


The grant can also be used to introduce robust tracking systems to identify individual learner needs, enabling educators to design and monitor interventions that address these needs and assess their impact.


Activities Supported by PDG and EYPDG at Pontnewydd Primary School

The following initiatives are funded by the PDG and EYPDG:

- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) practitioner

- Catch up Intervention for Literacy & Maths

- Literacy Junction Intervention

- Teach Talking interventions

- Lego Therapy

- Nurture Provision

- Early Years staffing


Monitoring and Accountability

The use of the grant is overseen by the school's Governing Resources Committee, ensuring effective allocation and impact tracking.


Acting Headteacher: Mrs. A. Maloney

Chair of Governors Mr. A. Tait

Vice Chair of Governors: Mr.I.Wilkinson

EAS School Improvement Officer: Mrs. M. Armishaw


As of September 2024, 36% of Pontnewydd Primary School pupils are eligible for free school meals. This data continues to inform the school’s targeted support for disadvantaged learners.

