Please report any pupil absence as soon as possible and no later that 9.30am on the first day of absence. You can do this via email, text or by phoning the school. Please give your child's name, class and the reason for their absence.
Please try to arrange any medical appointments for outside of school hours where possible.
We encourage families to take holidays outside of term time but where this is not possible you can request that a holiday be authorised by completing the form below and returning it to school (it can also be sent via email). You can request a hard copy from the school office. A holiday will only be authorised for a maximum of 10 days in a year and if your child's attendance has been 95% or higher for the last 12 months.
We encourage good attendance in school by celebrating top attenders by class each week in assembly, promoting it on our website (click here to visit our attendance page) and sharing it on our social media pages.
We also celebrate top attenders each month, have a termly reward for the top performing class in each phase and offer every child with 95%+ attendance the chance to win termly and yearly vouchers as well as children receiving attendance certificates for good attendance.
As a parent/carer you are legally responsible for making sure that your child attends school. If your child fails to attend school without an acceptable reason you risk getting a Fixed Penalty Notice or being prosecuted.
Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child's education and to the school. You should not expect the school to agree to your child going on holiday during term time and if you do take them out of school this too may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice.
We are part of Torfaen's 'Strive for 95+%' attendance scheme.
1% absence is roughly equivalent to 2 days, so a pupil achieving 90% attendance is still missing 20 days or 4 weeks of the school year.
Since 2014 the council has had the authority to issue fixed penalty notice and fines for parents whose children have more than five days of unauthorised absence. The notice can be issued for any absences not authorised by the school, including holidays. Torfaen can issue these notices when concerns are raised by school or the police.
Torfaen’s Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr David Yeowell said: ‘Raising educational attainment is a priority for the council and we are committed to ensuring pupils have the best chance of success in schools. Time in school and the classroom is vital to achieving high grades and young people achieving their goals, poor attendance have a detrimental effect on a pupil’s achievement and life chances. There are 175 days per year when children are not in school. We know some days are unavoidable but every day missed is a lost opportunity to learn. Currently primary attendance stands at 95% and secondary attendance levels are at 93.6% so I’d really like to thank parents for their continued support in improving these figures further.’
Having difficulties getting your child to school?
If you are having difficulty in getting your child to school or think there may be a reason why your child does not want to go to school, you should speak to your child's class teacher or Mrs Strong (Attendance Leader) for help and support. There is also advice and support available from the school’s Education Welfare Officer who we can arrange to contact.