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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Our School

The school dates back to 1955, when Pontnewydd Junior Mixed School was opened as the first school to serve the newly built Cwmbran New town. It was planned as in integral part of the neighbourhood, and still contributes to the cultural and recreational life of the area by providing a base for the local community. The old Infant School moved into its present building in 1967, and the Junior and Infant Schools were amalgamated in 1983 to become Pontnewydd Primary School.


Today, the school is a large age 3 to 11 primary school with a nursery with a special needs resource base. The school is split into Foundation Phase age 3 to 7 and Key Stage Two age 7 to 11. We are a two form entry. The Foundation Phase comprises of morning Nursery and afternoon Nursery, two reception classes, two year one classes and two year two classes. Key Stage Two comprises of two Year 3 classes, two Year 4 classes, two year 5 classes, two Year 6 classes and two Special Needs Resource Bases.

Our Mission Statement

At Pontnewydd Primary School our motto for all children is to Nurture, Inspire, Achieve.

Our vision At Pontnewydd Primary School our vision is to create a learning community that:

Nurture all our children to ensure that their emotional wellbeing at the heart of all that we do. Ensuring our children are safe, happy and have self-belief. To develop children who feel valued and are healthy and confident. Children who are respectful and compassionate towards themselves and others.


Inspire all children to dream big. To set themselves high expectations. Children who are adaptive to change and resilient when faced with challenges. Children who have high aspirations of themselves and others.


Encourage all children to achieve their individual full potential and become positive citizens who contribute to their community, society and the wider world. Children who are innovative, creative and critical thinkers. Children who have a love for learning throughout their lives.



At Pontnewydd Primary School, we will enable our pupils to become:

• Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives

• Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work

• Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world

• Healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.


At Pontnewydd Primary School, we enable our staff to:

• Continue to develop their own professional learning

• Feel valued

• Feel supported in their wellbeing

• Work collaboratively as part of a team with shared aims and values.


At Pontnewydd Primary School we will:

• Deliver a curriculum where the pupil voice is at the heart of learning

• Ensure that learning is fun and engaging

• Provide learning experience that are authentic

• Provide the children with opportunities to work collaboratively and to lead their own learning.

School Rules


  • Always move around the school safely and quietly
  • Always respect yourself and each other
  • Always respect things that belong to you and to others
  • Always respect and care for the school environment
  • Always listen and follow instructions
  • Always try your best in whatever you do