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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Dosbarth Abertawe

The children have been really busy this half term! We have focussed on word and sentence building in Literacy. We have been using capital letters and full stops and also adjectives in our writing. In maths we have learnt our number bonds to ten as well as basic counting and ordering skills.

We have learnt lots under our topic 'Under the sea':

  • Plastic pollution and how it effects the animals 
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle 
  • Endangered animals 
  • Writing letters to the WWF 
  • Ocean layers 
  • We have talked about floating and sinking


Our classroom is starting to fill up with the children's work and beautiful crafts from school and home. We have also really enjoyed our forest school sessions with Miss Keenan. We have been climbing trees and collecting objects to create our own minibeasts. 


Thank you for your support with reading and spellings at home, this is really vital for the children's progress.

Croeso i Ddosbarth Abertawe (Class 3).


We have enjoyed a lovely first few weeks back after the Summer Holidays and the children have settled very well into their new classes. So far this term, we have introduced the children to four very special characters who help us with our learning, namely Ambitious Aled, Healthy Harri, Enterprising Elen and Ethical Eleri.


We have attached a copy of our Autumn term curriculum letter which will provide you with lots of information about what and how we are learning this term. The letter also includes information about our PE days, Forest School, PPA cover and much more. 


Just a reminder, Mrs Worgan teaches the children on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Sullivan teaches the children on Wednesday. Miss Bailey is our lovely Teaching Assistant who will be with the children from Monday to Friday.


Our classroom door is always open and you are welcome to come and see us or message us via Dojo with any questions/concerns you may have. 


Autumn Term Curriculum Letter
