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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


School Uniform

School Uniform


Children should wear a yellow/white polo shirt, grey trousers/skirt, royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan, white/grey socks/tights, black shoes.


Children may wear grey shorts or a blue checked dress in the warmer weather.


Year 6 wear a white shirt and school tie instead of a polo shirt.


School uniform bearing the school's badge can be bought from Pretty Miss in Cwmbran town centre along with bags, weatherproof coats and fleeces.


P.E. Kit

Each child requires a pair of daps/trainers, shorts/leggings and a t-shirt, all in a bag labelled with their name which they should bring to school on a Monday for the week. 

The same clothing can be worn for outdoor games lessons with the addition of a sweatshirt/hoodie/jacket and trousers if required in colder weather.


Please ensure you label all clothing with your child's name.  If something is lost we have Lost Property boxes in both buildings, please ask your child's class teacher if you would like to look through them.
