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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve





                    In April we have done many fun activities, such as a bug hunt, and we observed the life cycle

                    of a butterfly with our class. We've had lots of adventures on wheels. We used mud to create

                    many things, and we had lots of fun jumping in muddy puddles, just like Peppa Pig! We loved 

                    April, and we hope May is the same.



We planted sunflowers and beans. We went on a bug hunt and met some beautiful butterflies. We looked at the interesting lifecycle of butterflies. We made some very colourful bird houses. We also enjoyed a litter pick around the school. We did this for earth day. It was mega fun.

Year 1

This month in year 1 we have been doing lots of fun things we designed and created our our rockets! We also planted sunflower we really enjoyed it. We all took part in forest school. Then Caring canines came to visit us for our Therapy dog sessions. We took part in lots of activities on world earth day . 

Year 2

 In year two we had a visit from the fire serves it was so interesting. We also had a visit from the transport police. and the caring canines came with the therapy dogs. we took activities of world earth day and that was fun   

Year 3


In year 3 we done lots of world earth day activities. We went to Saint Fagans for the day. We had rugby sessions with Dragons rugby. Gwent music visited us to give us music lessons and we showed some of the other year groups. We hope may is the same !!!

Year 4


In year 4 we had so much fun celebrating world earth day and taking part in all the activities. we wore green and blue to school to celebrate. 


In class 13 we have been doing many things here's what we've been doing,

we celebrated world earth day and it was very fun to do . we also had dragon rugby visit us for a session of rugby.


In class 14 we have also been very busy celebrating world earth day and it was very fun, we had a visit from crucial crew, and had a rugby session with dragon rugby.

Year 5


We had a very delight full Earth day were we could all were green or blue and had lots of Earth day activities. We also went geo-cashing 

around the cannel but we did not fine any because they were taken of :( and we did a  food debate on weather we should have food shipped into this country or just farm locally and it was really fun!

Year 6

This month year 6 have started our how to keep our hearts healthy fitness challenge. This is a 10 week challenge, where we develop our muscles in different parts of the body. We saw how many push ups, sit ups, burpees, star jumps and high knees we could do in 30 seconds. We also timed ourselves on how long we could hold a plank for! Our challenge is to double it or more by the end of the 10 weeks. The next thing that happened was great; the high school came in to give us a rugby session for our PE! We had a visit from Crucial Crew, who gave us lots of information on how to stay safe in many prospects of life. It was great fun! To celebrate World Earth Day, we wore green and blue to school.
