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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Dosbarth Pembroke

Dosbarth Pembroke is one of our Year 4 classes. Ms Meyer is the teacher.

How to Use Google Classroom for Parents!

How to use Google Classroom for parents! In this video parents and guardians will learn everything they need to know in order to best support their students ...

How To Use Google Slides

0:00 Intro0:22 Creating a presentation00:58 Formating a presentation01:36 Navigating Google Slides02:45 Adding media03:27 Adding animation04:39 Presenting an...

Talking Mental Health

Talking Mental Health is an animation designed to help begin conversations about mental health in the classroom and beyond.The animation and accompanying res...
