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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Heddlu Bach

The Heddlu Bach (Mini Police) scheme is a fun and interactive volunteering opportunity for pupils aged 9-11 years old. The Heddlu Bach support the force priorities through participation in both educational and community environments. The children involved develop confidence through many enjoyable experiences. The children who become part of the programme help to tackle local issues, highlighted by the children, in their own community. We hope to create ethically informed citizens of Wales, build resilience in young people and develop a successful and exciting future through collaboration with communities and the Police.

Heddlu Bach's Sponsored Walk


The Heddlu Bach group are doing a sponsored 5 mile walk to raise money for outdoor equipment at the school.


We would be grateful for any sponsorship from parents/carers and families.  There is a sponsor form below if you'd like to get some sponsors or paper copies are available in the school office or if you would like to just donate to our cause please send cash in an envelope.


The walk is taking place on Tuesday 21st May.


Thank you for your support!

Halloween Posters


Heddlu Bach have created some posters to be printed and attached to front doors if you have pets, young children, are elderly or don't wish to have open the door on Halloween.
