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Pontnewydd Primary School

Meithrin, Ysbrydoli, CyflawniNurture, Inspire, Achieve


Juniors - Cinema Trip - 18.12.24

Dear parent/carer,

The Juniors are taking a trip to Vue Cinema in Cwmbran Centre on Wednesday 18th December in the morning.

The children will be watching 'Paddington in Peru'.  Please be aware this is a PG film.

We will be walking the children to the cinema (if your child requires transport please contact your child's class teacher via Dojo).  Please could children wear school uniform with sensible footwear and a warm, waterproof coat.

The cost for the cinema is £3.99 per child and is available on CivicaPay (  The children can bring their own snacks/drinks, but please no cans or glass bottles. Please could they only bring snacks that the children can fit in their coat pockets as we will not be taking bags.

Lunch will be back in school as normal as we are going in the morning and will be back in time for a late lunch.
No spending money is needed for this trip.

If your child requires medication i.e. asthma pump/epi-pen, etc please ensure they have it with them on the day, without it they will be unable to participate in the trip.  

Please complete the permission form below as soon as possible but by Thursday 12th December and also make the £3.99 payment via CivicaPay.

Many thanks,
Junior Staff
